Wednesday 8 November 2017

English Language Challenges

English at the University is fundamental for the development of new cognitive skills, and also for greater interaction with other people.

However, I think the classes can be a bit more interactive and entertaining, because in my opinion it reminds me of the school (not that it's the same), where in my case, the only thing I saw was vocabulary and the Verb '' To Be '' for almost a whole semester (and that for 4 consecutive years)... yeah, that was very boring...

On the other hand, I highlight the fact of blogging, because it helps me to be a bit more creative when interacting in English, besides that it usually occurs in few opportunities.
I have learned a lot of Vocabulary and general culture things when reading Blogs from my classmates, and when writing mine.
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I think I definitely need to significantly expand my vocabulary, because it is very scarce, in addition to improving my pronunciation in some words, since these are fundamental aspects to be able to carry out a good interaction in English with another person. For this I think that it is good to play and listen to dialogues, to then put them into practice, translate songs and watch series / films to expand the vocabulary (in a defined context).

Outside of classes I don't usually use much English, just to read a small account or read instructions of a game online, but beyond that, I would like it to be more common use.

Resultado de imagen para serie con subtitulo español e ingles
A subtitled series, to have more vocabulary.

Friday 3 November 2017

Changes To My Study Programme

 I think the new study programe (Pharmacy) is very complete, very organized and according to the needs and advances of the sciences.

However, I think that generally, one is constantly studying to be able to approve, not to learn in 100%, there must be a factor that motivates you to do it, to learn and take that into practice, to reality.
Although it is my first year at the University, I do not think I have a very clear vision of it.

The curriculum has a lot of Chemistry (something that is obvious), Biology, Medication Processes, also health system, which is really good, because it gives you many tools to have a great  knowledge in general.                                                     
Resultado de imagen para quimica      Resultado de imagen para biología
5 years and a half I think it's a good period to be in the University, and learn everything you need to you need from the career, and you future as a professional.

Our Faculty is one of the smallest, and to be honest, it's not very nice to say... It has goods buildings, well equipped, for laboratories, , but the other places are very smalls, and needs a lot of care, like library, ''anexo'' , and we need more places to stay (study rooms for example), and I think that we need to change.

As Faculty, I think we have a good technology, in Labs, and when Professors teach you something, the have use of this, and that makes learn more easier!
Resultado de imagen para clase cientifica

Summer Holidays

Monday 30 October 2017

Addiction: From Tea and Coffee to Drugs of Abuse

Heroin is a highly addictive illegal drug. Not only is the problem of more abuse but also the fastest action. Heroin is processed from morphine, the substance that occurs naturally and that is extracted from the acorn of certain varieties of poppies.

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Heroin in its different varieties

I have never tried a drug of abuse, it does not call my attention, it takes a dose, but if the effects they cause.

The effects of heroin are usually accompanied by an overheating of the skin, the sequence of the mouth followed by nausea and vomiting, in addition to reducing heart rate and breathing.

Heroin can generate intense pleasure immediately and in a few seconds a total sedation, whatever "relatively bad" for people suffering from mental disorders and so on.

Consuming Heroin can be very serious, because a slight dose of more, can cause immediate death.
As withdrawal symptoms we have the desire for consumption, anxiety, tearing, excessive sweating, heat and cold waves, vomiting and increased respiratory rate.

Resultado de imagen para heroina efectos

I still do not know anyone who is addicted to drugs of abuse, but in the future, to meet someone in that state, I will not think twice, and I will definitely help him.

Wednesday 4 October 2017

Post Graduate Studies

Make a later study to finish the University or not?
Really very interesting to do a later study, if I get to have that opportunity, I will certainly take advantage of it.

It catches my attention of the area of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Toxicology, because the two have much field in the investigation and that sounds quite entertaining.
But I think and I think ... it will be convenient to do it?

                                       Resultado de imagen para toxicologia y drogas de abuso
It is known that today, having several degrees and university degrees can have a negative effect to the desired, because today is more taken into account a person with a university degree low to a high. So for some people it is more convenient to work with less experienced people, but why ?, I hope to find out someday ...

If I have the opportunity to do further studies, I would definitely like to do them in another country, because several reasons: Technology abroad is more developed, I will be able to interact with people who have the same aspirations as I, I will learn from many people, and they will they will make me and I would also like to know another country and its customs.
                                                Resultado de imagen para estudios en el extranjero

Having completed a Master Degree or PhD Degree, I would like to continue studying, but with the intention that someone else can take advantage of that, and thus beneficial to a lot of people.

Friday 29 September 2017

Your Future Job

I really like the jobs in the area research, I find them very interesting and entertaining, because you can discover a lot of new and amazing things, and use to help somebody else .

I would like to work in a scientific laboratory, doing experiments and tests, to improve some thing that I think are deficient. But I think that being locked up is a laboratory, it's very lonely, that's why I would like to be working outdoors too, and in contact with many more people.

I would like the work to give me the opportunity to travel constantly, knowing different places, traditions and customs, that allows me to meet more people, and above all, to be studying and learning constantly new things, to help somebody else.

With respect to the salary, I am satisfied wit an average, not much or little money, I just want what is fair and necessary, to be able to satisfy the needs and problems that I have in the future.

I'm studying pharmacy, and I think this is going to help me get what I want, because the research area is very big, and as I said before, I will be able to learn many things and help many people, travel to the world and meet amazing new people.
Resultado de imagen para investigacion farmaceutica
Area of pharmaceutical research

Old and New Hobbies: From Collecting Stamps to Mountain Climbing

One of my favorite hobbies was playing video games.

Doing missions, having to rescue princesses, defeating villains, all that, entertaining me in video games, every afternoon was very nice for me.

When I was little, he helped me get my first console, he helped me a lot, I could buy my first PS2, but with the help of my older sister, we were able to buy it.

With my sister was never very close, but has a lot of time to share, sharing and playing with Mario, Donkey Kong and more, he approached us, now we are more united, that is why for me and for her it is an important pastime.
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How I Remember my childhood
Resultado de imagen para videojuegos
I remember that I also collected sheets from an album, I could never complete one, but the fact of having it was really fun.

If there is a hobby that I can never do, it is drawing, because I do not have much motivation for that, and I always propose to do it, I never finish it.

For when I grow up, my hobby is traveling in many places around the world!
Resultado de imagen para viajes por el mundo

Wednesday 6 September 2017

Our Amazing Human Body: Our Smart Brain et al

The human body is certainly a great mystery, in order to fully understand its structure and functioning, we would need many years of studies...

Have you ever heard of the largest organ in the human body?.
That's right, the skin!

As I said before, the skin is the longest and largest human organ... But did you know that your skin is constantly being renewed every 28 days?, that your skin represent 15% of your total weight, for every minute that passes your body loses more than 30 thousand cells of skin... Yeah, the skin is a very interesting organ...
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''You need to be careful with your skin''

Basically the skin protects our organs from external dangers, keeps our body hydrated and can expel toxins from your body, this organ covers your whole body!

Skin cancer, Atopic Dermatitis, Scabies, Psoriasis, are one of the diseases that seriously affect our skin, making it not working properly, inflammation in the skin, acceleration of the process of cell renewal among others..

Cancer de piel
Skin Cancer

To prevent these diseases, it is necessary to take care of our skin, like using sunscreen maintain a constant hygiene and keep the skin hydrated always, for a normal and trouble-free function.
Resultado de imagen para cuidados en la piel

Resultado de imagen para cuidados en la piel

Friday 1 September 2017

The Best Holidays/Concert Ever

The Strokes is a rock band from New York, United States. They are considered as one of the most influential bands of the decade.

I remember that a few years ago, I went to a Lollapalooza (Chile), where there were many great artist. I was with my sister at the concert, when we saw The Stokes... maybe you have heard about of them.

Resultado de imagen para the strokes 
That was a very pleasant experience for me, because I could see a lot of people, jumping, singing, shaking their heads and hand,all  of them very happy, and for me, to have seen all that, it was a great satisfaction, and of course I was part of it. That was so great!!

Imagen relacionada
Concert of The Strokes

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Julian Casablancas singing ''Last Night''
I sang most of the songs, jumped and screamed a lot, like never before, and that day I ended up very tired... but really happy.

I think, all people enjoyed that concert, for me they are experiences that rarely occur, you can meet very friendly people, make friends with similar tastes, and most importantly, have fun listening, enjoying to that you like.

I would like to ble able to go another concert, because is a pleasant atmosphere, you feel full of energy, and that is the most great thing you can get to feel in a concert.