Friday 3 November 2017

Changes To My Study Programme

 I think the new study programe (Pharmacy) is very complete, very organized and according to the needs and advances of the sciences.

However, I think that generally, one is constantly studying to be able to approve, not to learn in 100%, there must be a factor that motivates you to do it, to learn and take that into practice, to reality.
Although it is my first year at the University, I do not think I have a very clear vision of it.

The curriculum has a lot of Chemistry (something that is obvious), Biology, Medication Processes, also health system, which is really good, because it gives you many tools to have a great  knowledge in general.                                                     
Resultado de imagen para quimica      Resultado de imagen para biología
5 years and a half I think it's a good period to be in the University, and learn everything you need to you need from the career, and you future as a professional.

Our Faculty is one of the smallest, and to be honest, it's not very nice to say... It has goods buildings, well equipped, for laboratories, , but the other places are very smalls, and needs a lot of care, like library, ''anexo'' , and we need more places to stay (study rooms for example), and I think that we need to change.

As Faculty, I think we have a good technology, in Labs, and when Professors teach you something, the have use of this, and that makes learn more easier!
Resultado de imagen para clase cientifica

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