Wednesday 6 September 2017

Our Amazing Human Body: Our Smart Brain et al

The human body is certainly a great mystery, in order to fully understand its structure and functioning, we would need many years of studies...

Have you ever heard of the largest organ in the human body?.
That's right, the skin!

As I said before, the skin is the longest and largest human organ... But did you know that your skin is constantly being renewed every 28 days?, that your skin represent 15% of your total weight, for every minute that passes your body loses more than 30 thousand cells of skin... Yeah, the skin is a very interesting organ...
Imagen relacionada
''You need to be careful with your skin''

Basically the skin protects our organs from external dangers, keeps our body hydrated and can expel toxins from your body, this organ covers your whole body!

Skin cancer, Atopic Dermatitis, Scabies, Psoriasis, are one of the diseases that seriously affect our skin, making it not working properly, inflammation in the skin, acceleration of the process of cell renewal among others..

Cancer de piel
Skin Cancer

To prevent these diseases, it is necessary to take care of our skin, like using sunscreen maintain a constant hygiene and keep the skin hydrated always, for a normal and trouble-free function.
Resultado de imagen para cuidados en la piel

Resultado de imagen para cuidados en la piel

1 comment:

  1. Those diseases seems very painful, I hope nobody have to suffer that kind of problems in the future
